
UHT cream

Page history last edited by Andrew Alder 5 years, 8 months ago

As some will be aware, UHT cream disappeared from NSW supermarket shelves for a while.


Devondale discontinued their 200ml UHT whipping cream in 2017. Their website




said when I first wrote this 


We would like to thank all our dedicated customers for your posts, comments and questions regarding the discontinuation of our Long Life Thickened Cream product. The difficult decision to discontinue Long Life Thickened Cream (among a number of other products) was made in 2017 as part of ongoing efforts to improve our commercial performance via a more focused product range. In addition, we have been required to reduce our manufacturing capacity in response to a significant drop in milk intake from farms. This includes the factory in Tasmania where Long Life Thickened Cream was manufactured and unfortunately it was not cost effective to continue production...


In other words, they're going bust. The sooner the better. (Couldn't read the rest as some genius had turned off the scroll bars, see is your techie fooling you badly.)


I recommended a boycott of Devondale products, so as to speed up the process. Then, hopefully, one of their competitors will fill the gap, and we'll have UHT cream again.


There was at least one other manufacturer




but when I emailed them they have stopped production too. And it was a bit on the large side anyway.


Maybe we need to import the stuff? Ridiculous. But then we do import butter from Europe... or haven't you checked your supermarket shelves lately? Look for Lurpak, it's Danish, and both Woolworths and Coles stock it. Special cheeses such as Jarlsberg I can understand (but our locals are doing very well, and King Island is fabulous), even wine (but we're doing pretty well there too lately). But butter? And now it seems, even cream?


I'd like to support our farmers. Almost all of my of my close neighbours are farmers. I buy local when I can. But give us a break, guys. It cuts both ways.


And I guess part of the reason I'm running with this is, the smaller size was a real boon for my late father, then in his 90s. I lived with him for the last few years of his life, and we always had UHT cream in the larder and fridge. We didn't have it often but when we did it was a real luxury that always brought a smile to his face. So I suppose I'm grateful that they didn't discontinue the line earlier than they did.


I can (and do) easily buy a 500ml of fresh cream and freeze what I don't use, in single servings. So not having the UHT is not really a problem for me. But I expect that many, many older people who used to buy a single carton and keep it in the cupboard for something special when their spirits were sagging now do without.


It's a bit sad that Woolworths and Coles (who used to stock the stuff, as did IGA I think) wasted a lot of my time by not telling their staff why they'd discontinued the line, but the disappearance of the line ain't their fault. And I guess my wasted time looking for the stuff isn't Devondale's fault either, I should have checked their website earlier (couldn't remember the manufacturer! I did check the website as soon as I found an old carton with their URL). 


But guess what, it's back! Devondale have resumed production. See the new pack below.



We still import far too much food. But maybe it will be a little less, as i guess someone in Devondale got a well-deserved black eye out of this.


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