
This page is going to be a bit of a whinge.


I love lateral thinking, and I score very well on IQ tests (when competently administered).


And the combination gets me called some very nasty names from time to time.



"Overthinking" seems to mean "advancing arguments I can't answer".


Now there may be valid reasons that no answer can be given. I may not have explained myself adequately.


But it may also mean that there is no valid answer to the argument just because it has been well thought out, and that the person accusing me of "overthinking" just can't be bothered to do the thinking required to understand it. Perhaps we could call this "underthinking".


From time to time we are all (sadly) tempted to prefer to challenge our opponents views rather than changing our own.


See how_not_to_rant for more on this. I particularly like my observation: "The best rants are made by people who suspect they are quite wrong (and they probably are, but that is irrelevant), but have absolutely no idea why".



Watch this space