Despite the name "Index..." this is something of a bucket, in that the pages are in no particular order here
All of my Index pages are like that
Disclosure: I am convinced that Nuclear Power is an important part of any rational energy policy, as the pages linked below probably make clear. I do have agendas like everyone else but I try to make them transparent, partly but not only because that helps me to be honest with myself, which I think we all need to try to do. See here and here for more of this philosophy.
the other downside of the anti nuclear campaign
The Challenge of Fusion Power
Hyprogen the hype about Hydrogen
other pro nuclear power environmentalists
nuclear thermal efficiency
Myths of Plutonium
SWN Solar, Wind, and Nuclear
the slow train (a page on medium speed rail despite the title)
renewable and sustainable
H100 Fife the big picture is not so rosy
myths of Hydrogen
myths of fusion
political fear of nuclear power
the problem with D-T why current fusion programs are unlikely to succeed
a nuclear timeline
the pathetic PR record of nuclear power
fissile why the NRC needs to do better...
nuclear homework
why on earth did they build the RBMK
why on earth did they build the BWR
Hydrogen is nasty stuff
lifecycle costing
fissile and fissionable
The upside of Chernobyl
Some nukes are better than others
how to promote nuclear power
Why to promote nuclear power
The green nuclear backdown
ABF means "anything but fission"
The colours of Green
The Nuclear Tipping Point
Greenpeace is a great idea but...
nuclear nightmares sometimes past events make it difficult to be rational
what happens when you do not go nuclear some ongoing research
pollies and participants assess the assessor...
crossover period why nuclear (fission) power makes the earth permanently less radioactive, but fusion will make it more radioactive (not what you've been told?)
Energy reality four things you may find surprising
and The solved problem of nuclear waste is just part of one of them
The Linear No Thought Model or LNT Dishonesty? By Hanlon's_razor we should call it incompetence, but it's more likely a bit of both
the NPT (it really does deserve a chance)
Climate change denial and the anti nuclear movement a radical but logical thought
sex lies and nuclear power and you've been told some whoppers
ITER etc the bad news and the good, but it's mostly bad
fool grade a fascinating story
a double skeptic and the double skeptic
Greenwashing sauce for the goose...
Are nukes economically viable
a tale of two reactors
and more to follow
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