We are the Church


Words and music by Andrew Alder


We are the Church

The body of Christ our Lord

We are His Church

His hands and his feet

And wherever we go

We will follow His way

and share His love

For we are the Church

To all that we meet


Give us the eyes of Christ

The eyes that see clearly

Open our eyes O Lord

Help us to see

The world in its need of Christ

The world that is loved by Christ

The world that is saved by Christ

The world that will be


For we are the Church

The body of Christ our Lord

We are His Church

His hands and His feet

And wherever we go

We will follow His way

and share His love

For we are the Church

To all that we meet


Give us the mind of Christ

The mind that is holy

Of one mind to follow Christ

Renewed by your Word

One in our love in Christ

One in our serving Christ

One in our joy in Christ

One in the Lord


For we are the Church

The body of Christ our Lord

We are His Church

His hands and His feet

And wherever we go

We will follow His way

and share His love

For we are the Church

To all that we meet


Give us the heart of Christ

The heart that was broken

May we be all for Christ

To show your whole love

To the hurting and angry ones

To the lost and the lonely ones

To the world in its need we bring

His compassion in us


For we are the Church

The body of Christ our Lord

We are His Church

His hands and His feet

And wherever we go

We will follow His way

and share His love

For we are the Church

To all that we meet