
lifecycle costing

Page history last edited by Andrew Alder 1 year, 11 months ago

A page of technology  with some relevance to energy and a term I may have invented 


There is much talk of waste disposal. This includes plastic pollution, CO2 emissions, nuclear waste, ewaste... many diverse topics.


They have in common that:

  • Our industrial society produces vast and increasing quantities of waste.
  • The dangers of these wastes are largely unknown or controversial, or if they are known are not publicly known.
  • The disposal of this waste is generally underfunded, or on many cases unfunded and must eventually be paid by governments.
  • Recycling is often uneconomic, as it is cheaper to manufacture new material rather than purify recycled material from a waste stream to the same standard.  


I propose a solution that seems to me obvious. 


The purchase price cost of every product or material should include the predicted cost of its eventual disposal.


Probably this is not a new idea. Possibly it already has another name. But I think it deserves far more discussion than it is currently getting.


There is already one instance of it at least, in the European Green_Dot system. Hopefully we will see more such schemes, and even gradual adoption of the general principle.




Watch this space

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