
A page on human behaviour and often also relevant to energy issues 


Just as I believe we all have faith of some sort, so I believe we all have agendas.


I try to recognise and disclose and take responsibility for mine. And I recommend this!


There are I think three sorts of agenda:



It's that second sort I try to avoid! And recommend you do too.


And there are many sources of agendas. For example (not a complete list and some of these overlap obviously):



It's only the last that most people think of when they talk of agendas. This is the sort of thing sometimes described as a political_agenda, and they are very important in understanding our own opinions and those of others. But there is much more to it than that. 


And if you'd like to see what agendas I admit to having, see what am I on about.


More to follow, watch this space... or see pollies and participants for some related thoughts. Or if you're really brave try how to reveal yourself.