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As one with a degree in Philosophy and a career in Audit, I regard myself as both academically and professionally qualified to split hairs.
My degree eventually ended up with majors in logic, ethics and pure mathematics. That's about the only thing remarkable about it. The grades I admit were all rather poor, and it wasn't all the fault of the Universities (but see below for some of their faults).
But I have always regarded my highest calling to be that of logician. (Or perhaps drummer. But they have a lot in common.)
Logic is a strange calling. You would think it had wide application. But I think I'm probably the only person in Australia who can claim to have worked as a professional logician outside of the University system. (It was in a rather ambitious and now in practice cancelled computer system development project. See management by objectives.)
some other human rights you take for granted
good ideas
so-called universities
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