Carl Barks

An index page with some quotes as well


In Baghdad my Baghdad bag factory got in bad with the Baghdad bigdads because of a bad sag the bags had


Two more railroads had wrecks. Six oil wells ran dry. Three pretzel factories hit by twisters.


Carl Barks is quite simply my favourite writer. Without peer. The above two quotes are from his dialogue for Scrooge McDuck whom Barks of course invented. (The numbers in the second quote may not be exactly as the original.)


The poetry of the first and the plausible impossibility (as Walt Disney termed it) of the second are both superb. The work of an inventive genius whose lifework was entertainment.


Pages here dedicated to Barks include


setting your wig on fire

List of Carl Barks comics

some terminology relevant to the Carl Barks story lines

Not the Carl Barks universe

FCBL which is favourite Carl Barks lines


and I hope there will be many more.