

Page history last edited by Andrew Alder 2 years, 10 months ago

I have two favourite books on war.


One is Contact, about the Troubles in Ireland from the point of view of a British officer who did two tours of duty there. He recounts for example patrolling the border and notes that when they were fired upon it was illegal for them to shoot back. He leaves it to our imaginations whether or not they ever did.


The other is even better. Terror in the Starboard Seat, a first-hand account by a Mosquito navigator in an intruder squadron in the Second World War. Its tragic conclusion is the best of any narrative I have ever read, fact of fiction. But earlier on he observes "War is great - for the survivors".  


I imagine they are not everyone's cup of tea, and they are not essential reading, unlike some of the books they do not want you to read.

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