contact me

This is Andrew Alder's contact page


You probably came here from another web page via an email me or email the webservant or even email the webmaster link


The best way: At the bottom of every page there's a contact the owner link that takes you to (as will that link too), which is an HTML form and will send me an email. But maybe you've tried that already. or don't want to do it.


So, here's a clickable email link that should also do that job, on almost any browser.


My email link:


Please feel free to send me email at this address, but do not save it for later use. When I reply to you, I'll give you a return email address that you can save and use again.


If you don't want to email me right now but may want to later, just bookmark this page, or even the one that sent you here (or both), or the link to the form I gave above.


When you come back here later, the email link will probably be the same, but it might not be. If it has changed, it's because the address is now attracting excessive spam, so I've simply changed it.


When I do change it, there are several things I might do with the old address. All of them are legal and I think quite reasonable, but some of them you might not like if you've ignored my requests above.


I'm sorry if that's offputting, and I really do want to hear from you. But it's a jungle out here.


I've sent you a message, is there anything else I should do?


Yes. Check your address book, and see whether your email client has added my "disposable" address above to it. Many do this by default. If it has, delete it. Do it now. You don't want to store this address.


Other alternatives to the email link




One other way to contact me is at my English Wikipedia talk page. You can leave anonymous comments there, although that does show your IP address to the public. Or you can create an account on Wikipedia, which gives you even more privacy, and a spam-proof email facility.


Of course, if you post anonymously to my talk page, there's then the question of how I reply to you. And if you put your email address in your post there (definitely not recommended) it exposes you to spam.




Or, you can 'phone me


International: +61 2 6368 4824


Locally (Australia): (02) 6368 4824



What might happen if I send you a message using an old email address that was once on this page but is now removed?


At best, your message might be simply discarded.


At worst, it might be automatically posted to a public website as an example of spam... which, technically, is exactly what it will be. This is not to be taken lightly, and I don't. There are good reasons for doing it. But:




Or, it might bounce, or it might get an autoresponse. Lots of possibilities.


But let's not go there. None of this will happen if you simply use the current address above now rather than later.


When I change the address, I give plenty of time for any innocent messages still in the pipeline to get through.


Why is spam such a problem?


In a word: Incompetence. The authorities have available to them many effective ways of dealing with spam, and Internet porn, and phishing frauds, and Nigerian scams, and all the other alleged and actual evils of the Internet. But they don't seem to have a clue. It's sad.