

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 12 months ago

Recently there has been some rather unfavourable press as some of the conventional church leaders let of steam at the evil they see in megachurches.


Some thoughts.


What are megachurches?


One of the critics has defined a megachurch as being one that posseses more than 2000 regular members.


That may sound precise but it's far from it. What is a church anyway? Presumably, they mean one that meets in a single building. Some of the megachurches started out by meeting as homegroups, so this is shaky IMO, in that it will ignore any that stay as homegroups. I propose to change it, and speak of a megachurch as one which attracts 2000 or more people to any of its regular services. That is, there is at least one regular service (Sunday or otherwise, weekly, annually or otherwise) whose number of attendees (men, women and children, which may not be following the biblical tradition but is I think cultural apt) is normally 2000 or more.


How do megachurches differ?


The first thing that strikes me about these is their variety.


How are they the same?


What are the criticisms?


Theological shallowness





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